- D-Lib Magazine (http://www.dlib.org/) - D-Lib Magazine is a monthly magazine about innovation and research in digital libraries.
- Journal of Digital Information (http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/) - E-journal publishing papers on the management, presentation and uses of information in digital environments
- Information Research: An international electronic journal (http://informationr.net/ir/) - Information Research is a free, international, scholarly journal, dedicated to making freely accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines.
- Journal of Electronic Publishing. (http://www.press.umich.edu/jep) - The Journal of Electronic Publishing is for the thoughtful forward-thinking publisher, librarian, scholar, or author -- in fact, anyone in this new business -- facing those challenges.
- Current Cites (http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/CurrentCites/) - monitors information technology literature in both print and digital forms, each month selecting only the best items to annotate for a free publication.
- Ariadne (http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/) - The Ariadne newsletter is aimed at working librarians in academic libraries in the UK.
- First Monday (http://www.firstmonday.dk/) - One of the first peer-reviewed journals on the Internet, about the Internet and the Global Information Infrastructure.
- Free Online Scholarship Newsletter (http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/index.htm) - The purpose of the newsletter is to share news and discussion on the migration of print scholarship to the internet and efforts to make it available to readers free of charge.
- Free Pint (http://www.freepint.com/) - Free Pint is a free email newsletter giving you tips, tricks and articles on how and where to find reliable Web sites and search more effectively.
- Information Today and Tomorrow (ITT) (http://itt.nissat.tripod.com/) - Quarterly newsletter from NISSAT.
- Digital libraries - a column in Library Journal by Roy Tennant, Manager, eScholarship Web & Services Design, California Digital Library
- Bibliozine - the e-magazine for librarians. (http://www.bibliozine.com/index.shtml)
- RLG DigiNews. Produced for RLG by the Cornell University Libraries Department of Preservation and Conservation, RLG DigiNews is a bimonthly Web-based newsletter focused on issues of vital interest to managers of digital initiatives. (http://www.rlg.org/preserv/diginews/)
- Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship (http://www.library.ucsb.edu/istl/) - A quarterly publication of the Science and Technology Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, USA.
- ITPapers.com (http://www.itpapers.com/) - Yellow pages of white papers. Covers several categoires, including libraries.
- Australian Academic & Research Libraries (http://www.alia.org.au/sections/ucrls/aarl/) - Quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of librarianship in university and college libraries.
- THE INFORMED LIBRARIAN ONLINE (http://www.infosourcespub.com/) THE INFORMED LIBRARIAN is a monthly compilation of the most recent tables of contents from over 180 valuable domestic and foreign library and information-related journals, e-journals, magazines,e-magazines, newsletters and e-newsletters.
- Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/index.html).
- Information Today (http://www.infotoday.com/it/itnew.htm) Information industry news services for the information professional.
- LIBRES - Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal (http://libres.curtin.edu.au/).
- Journal of Information, Law and Technology (http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/jilt/).
For other free/ partially free e-journals and newsletters in the information field, consult the list maintained by Prof. Tom Wilson at InformationR.Net
Indian discussion forums, list services
- LIS-Forum - Discussion forum for library and information professionals in India
Submissions: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
List info: http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/mailman/listinfo/lis-forum - IATLIS - Indian Association for Teachers in Library and Information Science discussion forum
Submissions: iatlis@yahoogroups.com
List info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iatlis/ - Corporatelibrns � An interactive forum for corporate librarians
Submissions: corporatelibrns@yahoogroups.com
List info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/corporatelibrns/ - Digital Libraries: India
Submissions: digilib_india@yahoogroups.com
List info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/digilib_india/ - NMLIS - New Millennium LIS Professionals
Submissions: nmlis@yahoogroups.com
List info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nmlis/ - INDIA-LIS - The INDIA-LIS is a Library and Information Science in India Mailing List
Submissions: india-lis@infoserv.inist.fr
List info: http://infoserv.inist.fr/wwsympa.fcgi/info/india-lis
L&I websites and portals:
- Aeroinfo (http://www.cmmacs.ernet.in/nal/icast/) - Information portal for aerospace engineering
- Delnet (http://www.delnet.nic.in/) - Delhi Library Network
- Inflibnet (http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/) - Information & Library Network Centre
- Infolibrarian (http://www.infolibrarian.com/) - infolibrarian.com gives all possible information required by the library professionals in India and abroad
- MylibNet (http://www.mylibnet.org/) - Mysore Library Network
- SciGate (http://www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/) - The IISc Science information portal
- Unesco Libraries Portal (http://www.unesco.org/webworld/portal_bib/) - An international information gateway for librarians and library users.
- Vidyanidhi (http://www.vidyanidhi.org.in/) - Digital library of Indian theses and dissertations.
Resource lists:
- Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography (http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html)
This selective bibliography presents over 1,500 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources
that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. - Electronic Resources for Information Research Methods (http://informationr.net/rm/)
- World List of Departments and Schools of Information Studies, Information Management, Information Systems, etc.(http://informationr.net/rm/)
- Digital Information Services in Enterprises: A Resource List of Case Studies, Best Practices, White Papers, Guides and Standards (http://scigate.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/raja/is214/214-2001-2002/resources.htm)
Free Software:
- Open Source Systems for Libraries (http://www.oss4lib.org/) - "Our mission is to cultivate the collaborative power of open source software engineering to build better and free systems for use in libraries. Toward this end, we maintain a listing of free software and systems designed for libraries".
- Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) (http://www.greenstone.org/)
- E-Prints Archive Software (http://www.eprints.org/)
- Free /Open Source Software for Library and Information Management (listing) (http://scigate.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/raja/opendl/free-software.htm)
Licensing, IPR, Consortia:
- International Coalition of Library Consortia - ICOLC (http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/)
- Copyright related resources maintained at the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (http://www.copyright.com/CopyrightResources/default.asp)
- Liblicense - Licensing digital information: A resource for librarians (http://www.library.yale.edu/~llicense/index.shtml)
Source: http://www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/raja/lib-info-sources.htm
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