Library and Information Science-Paper II
[Attempt all questions in each paper. All questions carry equal marks i.e 2. Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes]June, 2000
1. In CC, the principle that helps in the identification of personality category is
o Cow-calf principle
o Whole-organ principle
o Neti-neti principle
o Later-in-time principle
2. In DDC Phoenix schedules represent
o classes which are slightly modified
o classes which are completely changed
o classes to be modified in the future
o classes not to be modified
3. What is the relationship between ISBD and Cataloguing Codes?
o They are not related at all
o Cataloguing codes will include bibliographic description
o ISBD includes cataloguing rules
o ISBD can replace cataloguing codes
4. Which one of the following is not a part of the MARC record structure?
o Leader
o Directory
o Record terminator
o Check digit
5. Which of the following combinations is wrong
o PRECIS-Dreck Austin-BNB
o KWIC-H.P. Luhn-Chemical titles
o Citation Indexing-Eugene Garfield-SCI
o Relational indexing-E.J. Coates-Biological Abstracts
6. Citation indexing was first developed in the field of
o Science
o Mathematics
o Law
o Social sciences
7. In a thesaurus, under an item "Internal Migration", which of the following lines would you expect to find
o BT Migration
o NT Rural-to-Urgan Migration
o RT International Migration
o All of the above
8. The PERT approach is a device developed to
o Better utilize of time in a series of activities
o Allow studies to be made between people and machine
o Analyse a workflow to facilitate decision-making
o Establish quality control
9. The acronym "POSDCORB" was coined by
o Gulick and Urwick
o Taylor
o Mayo
o Gilberths
10. The basic theory regarding human motivation is propounded by
o Taylor
o Maslow
o Mayo
o Likert
11. The method of budgeting, which is not concerned with what happened previously but is more concerned with the requirements of the future is known as
o Line Budget
o Programme Budget
o Formula Budget
o Zero Based Budget
12. Among the different Boolean operators "AND" is used
o to widen the search
o to narrow the search
o to begin the search
o to end the search
13. Which of the following is not a secondary source of information
o An encyclopedia
o A textbook
o A biographical dictionary
o Patents
14. Which of the following reference source will you consult to locate information on the Pokharn test?
o Encyclopedia of Britannica
o Asian Recorder
o Commonwealth Universities Yearbook
o Dictionary of National Biography
15. Information about Indian research studies on bakery and milling is input to IFIS through
o The Central Rice Research Institute
o Indian Agricultural Research Institute
o National Institute of Nutrition
o Central Food Technological Research Institute
16. Which of the following is not an example of Current Awareness Service (CAS)?
o An Indexing Bulletin
o Current Contents
o A Reading List
17. Non-bibliographic Database contain
o Numeric Data
o Textual Data
o Visual Data
o All of the above
18. Indexing and abstracting sources are available in print, optical and online. Among the three formats there is usually
o a difference in price, but not capability
o no difference in price, but difference in capability
o a difference both in price and in capability
o no difference in price or capability
19. In an empirical study on the impact of television viewing on violence, violence would be
o the dependent variable
o an independent variable
o an intervening variable
o not a variable at all
20. A big difference between the mean and median is an indication that
o there is a mistake in the calculation
o the calculation is correct
o there is a wide variation in the data
o None of the above
21. Which of the following research methods is useful in a study on measuring the active life of periodicals
o Survey
o Citation Analysis
o Interview
o Case study
22. Which of the following types of memory is volatile
23. Which of the following is not a programming language
24. When you create a worksheet in CDS/ISIS you are defining
o the external user view
o the internal file structure
o the conceptual frame
o All of the above
25. UNESCO's information programme is known as
26. Which of the following networks does not have its own tele-communication infrastructure
27. OPAC stands for
o Online Public Access Catalogue
o Online Periodicals Access Centre
o Online Patents Access Centre
o None of the above
28. In a communication model, noise refers to
o loudness of signal
o lack of understanding between sender and receiver
o any disturbance which affects the transmission
o irrelevant information
29. Zero-growth libraries contradict the fifth law of library science. The statement is
o true, because no new books are added
o true, because the totla size of the bookstock is steady
o false, since the library may grow in other ways
o false, since there can be no zero-growth libraries
30. SENDOC is the national documentation centre for
o Science and Environment
o Sociology and Economics
o Sri Lanka
o Small Scale Enterprise
31. Extension services to the blind by a public library is justified by
o the fourth law of library science
o the fifth law of library science
o the first law of library science
o all the laws of library science
32. The table standard subdivision helps a classification scheme
o to ensure consistency
o to add mnemonic value
o both the above
o None of the above
33. Which of the following names are associated with Post-Coordinate indexing
o Taube, Mooers, Batten
o Taube, Austin, Coats
o Taube, Austin, Garfield
o Mooers, Taube, Garfield
34. A document description is not found in a
o Catalogue entry
o Citation
o Bibliographic entry
o Class number
35. The following is not an example of re-packaging of information
o Trend report
o Catalogue
o Summary
o Digest
36. In UDC the inter-relationship between the two subjects is denoted by
o Ampersand followed by Roman Smalls
o A Colon
o Double Colon
o Hyphen
37. GOC helps libraries in determining
o foreign exchange rates
o names of foreign agents and vendors
o books available in the market
o which books to buy
38. In a library which of the following positions are line positions
a. Junior library assistant
b. Subject Specialist
c. Deputy Librarian
d. Systems Librarians
o (a) and (b)
o (a) and (c)
o (a) and (d)
o (b) and (d)
39. An organizational structure is determined by
a. span of control
b. hierarchy
c. space and location
o (a) and (b)
o (b) and (c)
o (a) and (c)
o All the factors
40. According to AACR-II, the heading of the main entry for conference proceeding edited by an individual is prepared under
o name of editor
o place of conference
o title of the volume
o name of the conference
41. The Indian National Bibliography does not include
o Books published in India in English
o Official reports
o Books on India, published abroad
o Books published in recognised Indian languages
42. The subject headings "Money" and "Inflation" are both used in a retrieval system
o be linked by a "see also" reference
o be linked by a "see" reference
o be linked by both "see" and "see also" references
o not be linked
43. The resource sharing strategy of a library may not include
o joint acquisition
o shared use
o exchange of materials
o restricted access
44. Which of the following is not a national library?
o Library of Congress
o British Library
o Bibliotheque Nationale
o Smithsonian Institute
45. UNESCO's Public Library Manifesto was last revised in
o 1990
o 1998
o 1997
o 1994
46. The ICCP did not lead to
o agreement on the need for uniformity and standards
o a defination of main entry
o a recognition of corporate authorship
o the development of MARC format
47. In KWIC index the keyword appears
o at the beginning of each entry
o at the centre of the line
o as the highlighted word
o at the end of the line
48. The relationship between the terms "Ship" and "Boats" is
o syntactic relationship
o semantic relationship
o both
o neither
49. Which of the following cannot be regarded as 'multimedia'
o A tape-slide programme
o A CD-ROM with text and visuals
o Microfilm
o A web page
50. Invisible colleges are
o networks of people interested in the same subject
o help in communication
o neither (1) nor (2)
o both (1) and (2)
December, 2000
1. The headquarters of Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation is situtated at
o Delhi
o Calcutta
o Chennai
o Nagpur
2. The first library Act in India was passed and implemented in
o Maharashtra
o Andhra Pradesh
o Madras
o Karnataka
3. A number of devices that are related to recall and precision have been studied by
o Gilchrist
o Vickery
o Lancaster
o Ranganathan
4. User studies in Social sciences was carried out by
o Kuhn
o Brittain
o Line
o Allen
5. An entry that is made for the subject of a chapter in a book is referred to as
o Cross Refernece Entry
o Cross Reference Index Entry
o Class Index Entry
o Book Index Entry
6. The concept of UBC was introduced by
o LC
7. In Sears, List of Subject Headings preferred headings are indicated by
o Marking them as preferred headings
o Printing them in bold type
o Underlining them
o Italicising them
8. The component of an ISO-2709 meant primarily machine processing of the record is
o the Label
o the Directory
o the Datafields
o the Record Seperator
9. The CCF was developed by
o LC
10. The agency in India responsible for assigning ISSN is
o The National Library
o Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation
11. The concept of Scientific Management was introduced by
o Henry Fayol
o C.I. Barnard
o Peter Druck
o F.W. Taylor
12. Preparation, service and assimilation are the main stages involved in
o Initiation
o User Education
o Reference Service
o Bibliography
13. Desirableness of personal contact between reader and library material was stressed by
o H.P. Luhn
o Derek Austin
o Samuel H. Green
o S.C. Broadford
14. 'Informatics' is a term which was first used for documentation in
o Britain
o USSR/Russia
o India
15. Intellectual Property Rights are recognised by
o Copyright
o Patent
o Both
o Neither
16. Identify the primary document from the following:
o Bibliography
o Biography
o Autobiography
o None of the above
17. Identify the secondary source from the following:
o Standards
o Patents
o Journals
o Directories
18. The procedure of 'chain indexing' was developed by
o Jack Mills
o C.A. Cutter
o S.R. Ranganathan
o G. Bhattacharya
19. NATIS stands for
o National Information System
o National Technical Information System
o National Team for Information Science
o None of the above
20. MESH is the name of a
o Medical Library
o C.S.I.R Unit
o Controlled Vocabulary
o None of the above
21. POPSI was developed by
o S.R. Ranganathan
o A. Neelmeghan
o B.S. Kesavan
o G. Bhattacharya
22. According to CCC, the heading for work with three authors is
o The first author
o The title
o The principal author
o All the three authors
23. Which of the following areas is not a part of the description prescribed by AACR-II?
o Title and statement of responsibility area
o Edition
o Publication and distribution
o Address and location
24. Paul Otlet used the term 'Documentation' for the first time in a lecture at the International Congress at Brussels in
o 1905
o 1920
o 1931
o 1948
25. ISBN contains
o 6 digits
o 8 digits
o 10 digits
o 12 digits
26. BNB is published
o Weekly
o Monthly
o Bi-Monthly
o Annual
27. Principles of 'Later-in-Time is one of the
o Five Laws of Library Science
o Cataloguing Principles
o Principles of Helpful Sequence
o Circulation rules
28. European Translation Centre is located at
o Italy
o France
o Netherland
o Germany
29. 'Micropaedia' is in how many volumes?
o 5
o 12
o 15
o 20
30. 'Facts on File' is published from
o India
o Africa
o U.S.A
o Europe
31. Which table deals with 'Standard Subdivisions' in DDC?
o Table 1
o Table 3
o Table 5
o Table 7
32. What is Bibliography
o A list of books published
o A list of books available in a library
o A list of books available in two libraries
o A list of Journals
33. Bibliographic service comes under
o Ready Reference Service
o Long Range Reference Service
o Referral Service
o None of the above
34. Mc-Graw Hill is a
o Author
o Printer
o Publisher
o Librarian
35. 'Indian Science Abstract' is published by
36. Library Week is celebrated on
o 10th November
o 14th November
o 14th December
o 25th December
37. Encyclopaedia Britannica is in how many parts
o Single
o Two
o Three
o Four
38. State the number of tables DDC includes
o 3
o 5
o 7
o 9
39. Saraswathi Mahal Library is at
o Tanjore
o Bhubaneswar
o Jaipur
o Thiruvanathapuram
40. Association is a
o Personal Author
o Pseudonymous Author
o Periodical publication
o Corporate Author
41. As per CC 'm' refers to
o Anteriorising Common Isolate
o Posteriorizing Common Isolate
o Time Isolate
o Useful Arts
42. Library of Congress is located at
o Washington D.C
o Chicago
o New York
o London
43. If in the year 2000, a journal has reached its 40th volume, when was it first published
o 1959
o 1960
o 1961
o None of the above
44. Connema Public Library was established after the name of the then
o Governor
o Judge
o King
o Philanthropist
45. The real name of 'Mark Twain' is
o Milton
o Keats
o Samuel Longhorne Clemens
o William Wordsworth
46. Windows NT is the name of
o Cable TV
o Network
o A Computer Operating System
o An On-line database
47. Lexicon refers to
o Bibliography
o Dictionary
o Encyclopaedia
o Directory
48. To find an occurance of a term in a work which part of the work do you refer
o Contents
o Chapters
o Index
o Title
49. The term 'Thesaurus' is associated with
o Directory
o Bibliography
o Dictionary
o None of the above
50. C.L.R.I (Central Leather Research Institute) is located at
o Chennai
o Calicut
o Cochin
o Cuttack
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